Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby buff

I give thanks for Thanksgiving, but I do NOT give thanks for the extra pounds. Dan's niece Ava showed everyone how to work off the holiday pounds:

Notice the technique and the six pack under that shirt! She did about 1000 or so before she even broke a sweat. She is such a cutie. Below is a clip of Ava showing off another talent.

On the topic of buffness, my cousin Dino is apparently going to have another fight on December 13th. I have no idea why he has the biggest picture, or why he's right smack dab in the middle of the poster, but good luck to him! I'll be trying my best to make it that day.

Slightly related is this weird poster I saw when Dan and I went to go have some dim sum at Ranch 99:

It says LOVE EXERCISE. I automatically went into a hysterical giggle. I suppose one can argue that "love exercise" means exercising the heart due to heart break, or something related to relationships, but adding the handcuffs really makes that argument difficult to believe.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thesis papers, duct taped rugs, The Roots quitting, and other atrocities ...

Thesis papers

This thing is driving me CRAZY! I purposely chose a "sexy" topic so I would actually be interested in doing the research, but over the past semester my "sexy" topic has become the opposite. So UNsexy, in fact, that I have chosen to blog instead of work on my Internal Review Board proposal. It is just torture. Goodness.

Duct tape rugs

I walked into class one day and found THIS:

What the heck? That's pretty ghetto, Dominican University. Not only did they cut a rug in half, but they duct taped it to the floor. You couldn't spend some of the thousands of dollars you're charging me to go there to buy two decent rugs? GOODNESS!

The Roots quitting

This is probably the craziest news yet! My friend Patrick linked me to an article discussing The Roots' pending retirement from touring, as they have signed on to be Jimmy Fallon's house band when he takes over Conan O'brien's show next year. Say goodbye to respectable hip hop, people.

Prop 8

Probably long over due, but the passing of prop 8 saddened me. It wasn't that long ago when bi-cultural marriages were frowned down upon. It wasn't "right" or "natural". Not having the right to marry the person you love is baffling.

Some people who supported Prop 8 argued that they did not want their children to learn about it in schools. When did they start teaching about marriage in schools? That was certainly not part of the curriculum when I attended Glen Cove Elementary school. Others argue that marriage is only supposed to be between a man and woman, but marriage is also supposed to be FOREVER and monogamous, and many marriages have not adhered to that (i.e. divorces and cheaters). Give me a break people. Stop judging others, and let people live. You're saying this is wrong:

but this is somehow better because it's between a man and a woman?:

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Apparently, Jesus rocks.

I kid you not, people. There is a Christian version of Guitar Hero. I wonder if Jesus would say, "Good job ripping off the original, kids," or if he would instead say, "Maybe you should use all the effort you put into this totally ripped off game, and put it into something that will actually make a positive effect in people's lives." I guess this version is doing so well in the market that they're thinking of putting together a Christian ROCK BAND version. GEEZ.

On a random note:
Ever wonder who they're pointing out at?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Congratulations!! You just won an awesome brand new President! HOORAY!

I went to a bunch of websites today to see the headlines. I observed the following:
  1. CNN: U.S. chooses "change"
  2. MSNBC: How he did it
  3. NYT: President-Elect calls outcome a defining moment
  4. CBS News: "A New Dawn" Barrack makes history, leads democrat surge to D.C.
  5. USA Today: With Obama win, America changes course.
  6. BBC: A Historic Moment
  7. FOX: As he savors historic victory he also faces A WORLD OF TROUBLE (in extra big font)
Oh, FOX're crazy hilarious.

Monday, November 03, 2008