Friday, March 19, 2010

Nursing Residences....rarer than a guy that enjoys Twilight

So, what's brought me back to the world of blogging? If not a way to freely voice my opinions to an audience of complete strangers, it's simply that there is nothing better to do. Yet. With the extremely limited, near non-existence, of nurse residencies in the Bay Area (and about everywhere else), I've found myself spending the hours of my day having breakfast while scouting hospital websites for jobs, doing the Insanity workout some time before lunch, showering, lunching, more job scouting, "hulu-ing", dinner, sleep, and repeat. It is a dismal existence. Before anyone even THINKS about saying, "But there's a nursing shortage," let me enlighten you with the following information:

  1. There is still a nursing shortage, but there's a bigger shortage of money
  2. Many hospitals don't have a lot of money right now
  3. Nursing Residencies cost hospitals tons of money

In the past few months, there has been no greater frustration than to address the above statement because it basically implies that I just did not know about the shortage, and now that I know, all my unemployment woes are magically dissolved. HOORAY. Or not.

A question that comes a close second to the silly statement "But there's a nursing shortage" is "Have you tried" People, I have been LIVING in and, among countless other websites.

It is a science to stay positive in this current economy with the kindly mailed reminders of student loans about to go into repayment, the promise of even more graduates to come in May, and not a scheduled interview in sight.

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