Friday, January 02, 2009

Attractive actors you might actually have a chance with because they're not really famous yet..

This blog was inspired by the 30 Rock marathon I had a few days ago. There was an episode called "The Hair and The Head." The guy that played "The Hair" was fairly good looking and I thought, "Oooh man. If I ever had a chance with an actor, it'd be with him cause he's not famous yet!" Don't ask me how I figured that one out, but for some reason I think that the less famous a person is, the more likely it would be for that person to fall madly in love with me. Also, it would be less likely for them to land movies with hot boyfriend-stealing actresses. Anyway, to the ladies and gay men that read this blog, I provide you with some pictures of actors who aren't quite famous yet, but are pretty easy on the eyes:

Exhibit A: Charlie Hunnam (Green Street Hooligans, Undeclared, Sons of Anarchy)

He has a pretty face, but it's his accent that gets me. Oooh that British accent will be the death of me one day!

Exhibit B: Val Emmich (Ugly Betty, 30 Rock)

That dimple just kills me.

I'm sure there are tons of other attractive, fairly unknown, actors out there. I invite you to enlighten me.


Anonymous said...

omg i so want Charlie Hunnam im actually in love with him!!! lol

Anonymous said...

omg charlie hunnam, he is soo hot, he was in queer as folk uk, it was one of his first jobs.

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